May 12, 2023 — by NICHOLAS JONES
SHARE ARTICLE[Sassy_Social_Share total_shares="ON"]Most of us have been in this situation: hotspot connected but no internet. This article will help you fix the issue.
Maybe you recently started working from home and need reliable connectivity. Or maybe you’re just looking for a more reliable cell signal overall. With a mobile hotspot, you can use your laptop or other device to get day-to-day work done (including conference calls) without relying on a limited WiFi signal or being chained to a specific location.
Unlike home or office WiFi that only works within the limited range of routers and WiFi repeaters, a mobile hotspot to a laptop gives you fast, workable internet wherever you may be, as long as you have a cellular connection.
When you have a mobile hotspot connected but no internet, your work could crawl to a halt and divert valuable productivity to frustrating troubleshooting. Unfortunately, while many hotspots have similar functionality and feature sets, the exact workings of each hotspot are different for each device, operating system, and carrier.
Troubleshooting a hotspot with no internet isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, so you’ll likely have to spend some time on each device. That said, there are some commonalities between hotspots and carriers, and certain tricks will help you get your hotspot up and running whether you’re on Android, iOS, Windows, or MacOS.
If all else fails, try removing the connection from your devices and starting again from scratch. Sometimes the wrong information can be cached, or the settings can become corrupted, leading to having your hotspot connected but no internet.
On your computer, head to your WiFi connection settings and delete the profile associated with your hotspot. A bad password or any other number of issues can prevent you from getting online, and sometimes setting up a new profile is an easier fix.
If your connection is active but your data is slow or drops off, you might need a cell signal booster. While you likely have reliable data speeds just outside your home, a tell-tale signal issue is that once you step inside your connection slows to a crawl, and calls tend to drop. In these instances, the problem isn’t your device, it’s your cell signal.
The overriding issue here is that most homes and vehicles tend to seek maximum energy efficiency when it comes to climate control and noise pollution, but the same energy-efficient glass and thick materials also make it more difficult to get a solid cell signal.
If your home is in a more remote area or even on the wrong side of a large building or hill from the nearest cell tower, your connection could be spotty or slow just when you need it most. Simply put, a cell signal booster gives you a workable signal even in dead zones in your home or car.
And if you boost your cell signal, your hotspot will work better. You could put an end to the problem of having your hotspot connected, but no internet service.
By receiving even the weakest cell signals and then boosting and broadcasting them inside your home, business, or vehicle, a cell phone signal booster delivers a better signal to your devices inside, whether it’s a phone, mobile hotspot or another cell-capable device.
It all starts with an outside antenna, which communicates with nearby cell towers and sends the signal inside to the booster unit. The booster then amplifies the cell signal received by the outside antenna and relays it to strategically placed indoor antennas in the troublesome spots more commonly known as dead zones. You likely already know the places — it’s where your calls most frequently drop and where data slows to a crawl.
With a cell signal booster, you’ll be able to fix your mobile hotspot connection problems once and for all, for all your devices and for any cell network. Without a booster, you might have to go outside to use your hotspot or be limited to certain areas. After your booster is installed, you’ll be back in business with a strong signal to power that hotspot.
A signal booster puts an end to the frustration of poor cell signal in your home, business, or vehicle (RV’s included). It can also prevent you from future frustration due to network changes or surrounding developments that may negatively impact the signal you already rely on today. Your signal will already be boosted!
Here at weBoost, we’re passionate about helping individuals, families, and businesses stay connected in our always-on, always-connected world — hotspots included. We’re a leader in comprehensive solutions to fix cell connection issues inside any structure. Shop weBoost cell phone signal boosters to boost your mobile hotspot connection today so you don’t have to worry about disconnecting again.
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