January 4, 2023 — by RICH EDWARDS
SHARE ARTICLE[Sassy_Social_Share total_shares="ON"]We live in a time when more people are working from home and otherwise connecting to networks from home than ever before. There’s no telling how long this period will last. However, it has already provided consumers and their employers with a sometimes-stark look at the realities of network speed and capabilities, hardware quality, and user habits and norms. We’re willing to bet that millions of people every day across the United States ask, “why is my data so slow?” as they attempt to download a large file, stream a movie, or conduct a video conference. Now more than ever, more people just want to make data faster. In this article, we’ll tell you how.
It’s infuriating when your mobile data is not working on your Android, iPhone, or any other device, and it can literally cost you money if you miss out on professional opportunities because of it. A lot of people have felt the effects of sluggish mobile data, but few people know there’s a pretty easy fix.
Fortunately, the mystery of how to make data faster is not such a mystery if you simply take a few steps yourself to improve your device’s setup and a few other things around the house. The team at weBoost has been showing customers how to make data faster for years, and below you’ll see some ideas to consider so that you can stop worrying about your mobile data not working on your Android, iPhone, tablet, or any other device.
With the prevalence of unlimited data pricing plans, the average smartphone user in the U.S. now consumes more cellular data than ever before. By the end of 2023, the global average data usage is expected to exceed 20 GB per month, per smartphone.
Not only that, but the NPD’s Connected Intelligence Smartphone and Tablet Usage report revealed the alarming statistics below:
These statistical realities can lead to networks getting bogged down, which is a major problem often out of the consumer’s control. Given the increasing cellular data needs among typical U.S. smartphone users, it’s no surprise that more people are concerned than ever before about their ability to consistently access their carrier network. But that’s hardly the end of the story. If you’re experiencing a data connection problem with your iPhone or Android and find yourself wondering, “how can I make data faster?”—we can help.
If you’re unable to establish a wireless data connection while at home, at work, or in your car, there are several workarounds you can try to fix your particular data connectivity problem. In this article, we’ll explain how to make data faster for iPhones and Android phones.
The quality and speed of your phone’s data connection can be affected by how far away you are from nearby cell towers, or by signal-blocking materials used in the construction of your home, business building, or vehicle; such as concrete, glass, or metal. We’ll go over a few steps for how to make data faster below.
First things first though. The initial step towards figuring out why your data is so slow is to specifically define the problem so that you can establish a baseline, and then measure improvement. Try using an internet speed test app to see just how slow your data is. This will provide you with the point of comparison you need after you’ve tried some of the tips below. Then after you’ve tried some tips below, you can retest to see if you gained an improvement in data speed.
weBoost cell phone signal boosters are quite effective at overcoming the obstacles that prevent mobile device users from having reliable coverage at home or on the go, regardless of the carrier network.
If you don’t have your own cell signal booster, here are some other strategies for how to make data faster for iPhone users:
With about 2.3 billion Android users globally, this OS is one of the most used around the world and at home. Keep this in mind when you’re trying to make data faster on Android, as a reminder that a lot of people will be trying to access those same resources simultaneously on any given day.
For Android users wondering how to make mobile data faster, here are tips to speed up your connection.
Most industry professionals agree that over time, the demand for data is only going to continue to rise, even if you take our present circumstances out of the equation. If your mobile data is not working on your Samsung, iPhone, or any other device, you should take time to try out the different recommendations and tips to improve the mobile data speeds on your particular phone and determine which strategies work best for your usage preferences.
They are definitely worth a shot, but still may not be enough to make data faster, especially if you have a weak signal due to distance from towers or the signal-blocking materials mentioned earlier.
If you’re unable to establish a fast and reliable wireless data connection with your iPhone, Android, or other cellular-connected devices, consider purchasing a weBoost cell phone signal booster. A variety of models are available for home, business, and vehicle use. They work with all devices, networks, and carriers. If you want to instantly make data faster (and who doesn’t?) a cell phone data booster is probably your best bet.
For details, visit the weBoost product page and find the solution that best fits your current needs.
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